Patch 1.1

Welcome to your Grove

This first patch focuses on fixing some of the combat and animation issues that were present. After working through some of that we were able to get some new combat features going. In order to this though we had to remove our old model since it was a little... broken. It will take some new time to get a player character mesh in there but for now enjoy more of grey boxing 101. All of this is still in development so let us know if you find any bugs and watch out for future patches.


As mentioned in the Dev Logs, the old animations had to go. In order to get this game on track with its intended vision we swapped out the animations.

  • Added new animations for player attacks in all states
  • Updated general player animations and locomotion
  • Added new Fire and Wind State transformation animations with properties
  • Added blocking animation: hold the Right Mouse Button/Right Click


Aside from animations making a difference in the way that combat plays we've added some new features to help spice up the options.

  • Added a launcher attack 
    • Launcher is triggered by attacking while holding block, launching an enemy into the air. With this pressing attack will allow the player to immediately super jump with the enemy to begin preforming an aerial combo. Jump right after the launcher connects and then attack when you are level with the enemy.
  • Added Aerial combat
    • Player can perform a 3-string combo in the air by left clicking, a right click aerial finisher has also been added but is still in development, aka broken
  • Fire State Transform: Charge energy and blast out a fiery discharge lighting enemies on fire and draining your HP
  • Wind State Transform: Move like the wind, pushing back enemies with a sudden gust of wind giving you space to run free


Our next patch is going to focus on a lot of background processes and design elements. Things like shaders, updated HUD and bug fixes to core systems will be coming through. Hopefully the game dev gods will be on our side, and we won't have to many unexpected delays!

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